
Nadia Charles: South African Educator and force for good.

Who is Nadia Charles?

Nadia Charles is an Educator. She redirected her career from corporate banking to education, to pursue her calling of positively transforming South Africa through working with youth. Nadia is also a co-founder of a non-profit organisation called Collaboration For Good.

How is Nadia Charles related to CAFB?

Prenessa Nalliah, CAFB Founder, and Nadia Charles connected through the Founder of The Academy of Life Coaching: Patricia Manshon. Prenessa had seen Patricia share a post from Nadia about raising funds for some students at Sunnyside Primary School in Cape Town, to be able to join an international soccer tour to Thailand. 

As part of a joint fundraising initiative between Nadia Charles and the Creative Angels Fashion Benefit, Nadia accepted an invitation to become one of two guest speakers at the CAFB 2017 Fashion Show. Since then, Nadia has worked with the CAFB on a number of projects, and her organisation is a trusted partner of the CAFB.

What inspired Nadia Charles to become an Educator?

Nadia is deeply inspired by her religious faith. Her life experience as a Muslim woman and her personal trials from chlidhood to adulthood all combine into the strong force for good that she is, today. She sees hope for the future in the students she teaches.

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